Saturday, August 18, 2007

This looks familiar

Concepts, nowhere near the final stuff. Some input would be nice =)

(Might have gone overboard with the lance though, what I thought was a good idea in my head came out looking like a giant streak knife)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Ah no new sketches today, but i do come with some killer sites =D

Donna's been exposing me to some killer blogs, some from Canadian artists.
Total Drama Island
The Gas Pump
Todd Ramsay
K. Schmiddy-Schmidderson

And Alex pointed me to a DS painting software, called Colours!. Pictochat can eat snails, this baby can even playback all your recorded strokes! I highly reccomend playing around with this if you own a DS yourself. I'm still trying to figure out how to transfer drawings onto a pc though. Seems that I have a problem saving my stuff so far.

Oh oh, one more thing, do catch this movie, Paprika, by Satoshi Kon. Critics claim it to be confusing, but I really loved how they did their cuts.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Itsy Bitsy Spider

woa hey *brushes the cobwebs away*
hows it hanging. Must've been stuck in time, didn't realise I haven't been updating for so long.

Been doing DigiPen's portfolio, nothing special, just observational drawings, some of them above. That last one was a practice in inking, meant to be Ligne Claire, but old habits die hard I guess. Actually did 3, some practice for DG, but the other 2 pieces went horribly wrong though XD

I went back to NYP today, to talk to Hanxin about his project. I think it has potential to be a cartoon sitcom. I shan't say more about it though, gonna respect creativity ownership. Can't wait to start work on it. (Edit; I removed my lame catchphrase because that joked sucked. Sorry!)
We decided to poke into Block M for a bit, and met up with some of our classmates who signed on to NYP. To quote KaFai, "Sell your soul to NYP man, you get to work here." Had more sobering news about the industry, seems like thats all I'm hearing nowadays. Perhaps I am just hiding. Well, if anything, its a much needed slap in the face.